Friday, December 31, 2021

end of the year wisdom

The most important thing I learned in 2021 was always bake your chocolate chip cookies on sheets lined with parchment paper. Otherwise those pesky melted chips make cleanup difficult.

I'm ending 2021 with a batch just out of the oven. That's it for advice. It's been some year. I'm putting the tea kettle on to brew up some tea to go with a warm cookie.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

the november report or agnes versus the squirrels

 Aesculus california has been a favorite plant of mine to propagate, perhaps because it requires very little work other than collecting the seed pods. I have two favorite spots, Devil's Gulch at Samuel P Taylor State Park and at White House Pool alongside Lagunitas Creek. It's a wonderful excuse for a trip to west Marin. This year was a very special one in that my next door gave me three pods from a tree growing in his front yard, one of my children, and I am now attempting to propagate my buckeye grandchildren. So this is where Agnes and the squirrels do battle. Evidently squirrels are the only animal which can eat these buckeye pods without ill effect. In past years I have a couple gone missing. Not this year!


Last Thursday morning when we left to go grocery shopping I noticed several missing pods. By the time we returned home, complete carnage. Fortunately I managed to secure the grandchildren before they disappeared as well. My neighbor reported they stole all of his that he trying to propagate.



This prompted a return trip to collect more. And further protective measures. And we even bought sunflower seeds to feed our begging squirrel friend who finds us on the back porch, but I have to maintain my vigilance against thievery. Stay tuned for further reports.

Monday, November 1, 2021

the october report

As the yard turns it's fall colors, nicely washed by the atmospheric river I think the month began a day earlier on September 30 when I met a unicorn on the ferry. I was introduced to Uni by a fellow passenger who asked if I would like to meet her. My new friend led Uni over to me and asked if I would like to pet her. Of course. After being told of the very soft fur, the rainbow tail and the silver boots I realized who I was meeting. When asked if I see her, I replied yes. Because, I quote Antoine de Saint-Exupery "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes". I've tried to keep the magical vision in my heart. And so the month of October started with baseball, another slight quilt change, and proceeded to go by with rain, high surf, and an early celebration of Diwali.

I decided flying geese were appropriate for the fall.

Point Lobos on October 26th

Wishing all a celebration of light over darkness.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

met my goal


To me the beginning of September is Fall. And a new quilt was in order. I pieced the top this past winter and it just seemed like a good Autumn quilt. The Bearpaws above the bed came out of an ancient stash and seemed a good companion piece. Now to consider the next quilt project.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

where did july and august go?

July came in with great promise, the Farmer's Market opulence well on display. Hope for a return to some normalcy, live yoga, trips to San Francisco by ferry.  But, alas, August brought with it a return to screens and reconsidering of travel plans. But the backyard is filled with a friend who enjoys his peanuts. 

And the garden seems to be charming me with blooms of my walking stick iris.

Thursday, June 24, 2021




Well I missed Solstice by a couple of days but the new summer quilt is finished and on the bed. Phew, it really is turquoise! The throws on the end of the bed and the pillows do tone it down a bit at least. And I forgot how much I like the quilt on the wall. 

I did discover that today marks the Strong Sun Moon:

"When Summer comes, it not only brings longer days and the blooming of crops, it also brings with it June’s full moon, which is the strong sun moon.

Also called The Moon of Horses, Honey Moon, and The Lover’s Moon, as with any full moon, psychic energy flows freely during this full moon. This is a good time for magick, an excellent time to work with all the different elements." (from the Moonlight Shop )

Also Called the Strawberry Moon:

"The Strawberry Moon, typically the first or last Full Moon of a season, marks the strawberry picking season in North America.

The thing is, each Full Moon has its name. These names usually have nothing to do with our natural satellite’s actual color, like the pink moon. Instead, ancient cultures have named Full Moons based on the behavior of the plants, animals, or weather during a particular month — and we still keep using these names.

June’s Full Moon alternative names are the Rose Moon, which denotes the harvesting of roses in Europe, and the Hot Moon, because it comes with the beginning of hot summer weather in the Northern Hemisphere." (from Starwalk)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

easing our way back into the world



A ferry ride, a walk to North Beach, and an outside table at Sotto Mare. The octopus salad, clam chowder, and glass of wine, were thoroughly enjoyed. We topped off the lunch with Gott's softserve before boarding the ferry for home. Our feet, knees, and hips were tired. We are out of practice and will have to do something about this. More field trips!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


March came and went with it's lions and lambs. Anniversaries were celebrated and a trip to the coast was enjoyed. Meeting with vaccinated friends has been a great pleasure, attempts to ease back into a social life.

April seems to be moving quickly, the days just seem to disappear but as the garden blooms, art has bloomed on the fence as well. I have been quilting for forty six years and it's seems like time to just pull some things out of the cedar chest and view them. 

Marigolds have been started, six flats, and I think I've just dented the ounce package of seed I bought. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

february is phyllo dough month



This month almost slipped by with no postings, but not because it hasn't been an eventful month. I'm declaring it phyllo dough month. I have made Chicken Florentine, Spanakopita (twice), sesame crackers, and phyllo wrapped salmon. I am hooked and on my second box. With great pleasure I walk to our local Al Jazeera Market to buy it, coming home via Haight Avenue and saying hi to Bosco.



Bosco is our local front yard pig celebrity.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

simple pleasures



Twice a week I buy flowers at the Farmer's Market. They are food for the soul. And tomorrow is a momentous day, Mike and I get our first covid vaccination. Here's to hope for the Spring, dreaming of having friends gathered around the dinner table, sitting close together.