Monday, November 1, 2021

the october report

As the yard turns it's fall colors, nicely washed by the atmospheric river I think the month began a day earlier on September 30 when I met a unicorn on the ferry. I was introduced to Uni by a fellow passenger who asked if I would like to meet her. My new friend led Uni over to me and asked if I would like to pet her. Of course. After being told of the very soft fur, the rainbow tail and the silver boots I realized who I was meeting. When asked if I see her, I replied yes. Because, I quote Antoine de Saint-Exupery "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes". I've tried to keep the magical vision in my heart. And so the month of October started with baseball, another slight quilt change, and proceeded to go by with rain, high surf, and an early celebration of Diwali.

I decided flying geese were appropriate for the fall.

Point Lobos on October 26th

Wishing all a celebration of light over darkness.

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