Tuesday, February 5, 2013

smile at a stranger

I have this habit of reading obituaries. Not necessarily brought on by advancing age, I think it is part of being a geographer. Cemeteries and obituaries, they give you some social history of an area and a population. Although with age it is startling to see people of your birth year being mentioned in these columns. This morning I came across one with a wonderful ending line. "In memory of Adriene, smile at a stranger, love bigger and make friends laugh. I don't know who Adriene was, but somehow I think I may have liked her. And the smile seemed to stay with me. After an incredibly grouchy Monday, Tuesday seemed to move along with much more ease.

Dean (our shop landlord) gave me flowers. Something that does occur somewhat regularly, and is greatly appreciated. I completed a new task in the shop I had been avoiding. We saw the Kiteboat, the Saildrone, and both Artemis and Oracle Ac72s out on the bay. The walk home was pleasant. I received two late Christmas presents. And I remembered to make a reservation for Valentine's dinner. Let's hope Wednesday continues with more smiles.

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