Sunday, November 4, 2012

louie update

Louie seems to come by every few days to have a snack and play stick. Tonight he seems to have the scent of someone's perfume on him. He is again collarless, undoubtedly, a result of a run in with the dreaded Mittens. Mittens, the evil cat, that lives down the street, and terrorizes all the cats in the neighborhood. We have attempted to Mitten-proof our abode this weekend, installing a cat door that recognizes micro-chips. It is all programmed to release when Gris-gris attempts to comes in. The only problem is Gris-gris is not programmed to push open the flap. This could be a slow process. But we have come home one too many times to no cat food in the dishes and the cat food can on floor with the label ripped off in an attempt to get the lid off. Not only that, Mittens seems to like to dance on the stove top turning on the oven. Louie, like Gris-gris seems to understand the concept that cats are not allowed on the kitchen counters or on the stove controls. We somehow survived raccoons and possums coming in the house, but the random oven on incidents pushed us into the extreme in cat technology. I will give reports on Gris-gris's flap pushing.

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