Tuesday, January 31, 2012

piano work almost a year later

In the last couple of days I have spent much time weighing lead plugs. If you can't handle repetition you are not meant for piano work. You have to be someone who enjoys coming up with systems for speed and efficiency in silly, simple tasks. These tasks, in fact, are somewhat important later down the road. I found lead weighing rather enjoyable in it's mindlessness. Today I developed a system for installing let-off buttons without ending up with holes in my fingers. And the by-product was a great pair of earrings. Photo will follow. I've been trying to develop jewelry for the past year from all these parts. My workmates were impressed, thought I might be a candidate for the cover of the Piano Technicians Magazine. That is a joke amongst all of us.
My afternoon was progressing nicely, neatly installed whippens, well spaced, nicely polished screws. Then I realized I had put them on upside down. This produced great guffaws and amazement, no one thought that was even possible. They all thought I should photograph, and then post with "what's wrong with this picture?". I thought it might be prudent to just turn them around as quickly as possible, which I did. Again nicely spaced in one third the time. Well it's the even spacing that takes the time, and this I had already done, just upside down. Just another day in the shop. Looking forward to many more, hopefully right side up.

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