Tuesday, September 17, 2019

raising a monarch

Or at least hoping to get one to adulthood. I've managed caterpillars but this is the first chrysalis. The caterpillar fed itself on milkweed but then managed to move a few feet into the ground cherry. Keeping our fingers crossed and checking it often. Come springtime I'm going into a major milkweed planting.
And an Aero update. With the rain on Monday morning in came a wet cat, who had breakfast and settled himself in upstairs on Mike's desk. He hasn't done that in months, but somewhere in his brain he has programmed if it rains go inside. He knows we will welcome him. Sun came out and he left, but he's sticking a little closer and hanging around more. Aerojet my Farmer's Almanac, I'm happy to have him.

1 comment:

  1. Peruvian groundcherry! Thanks for the Latin name on the side.


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