Saturday, June 9, 2018

things change

We just returned from our annual Yellow Creek camping trip. The weather was beautiful, the food, as always, both good and plentiful and the company enjoyable. But there was an edge of bitter sweetness to the time. We are not sure if the campground will exist for us next year and we are all aging. While the two of us still enjoy our tent, trailers and generators have entered our friends campsites. Some are for necessity and some for added comfort. I kept hearing the recitation from my Qigong teacher's young son's play, where he and another little one were costumed as a Monarch butterflies and at the singing of "things change" they opened their wings.

Nicole said a discussion about change then happened, trying to gently tell her son that while often good, change may not always go in that direction. But I came home to find life working in the vegetable garden between our house and the Mikes. And I'm hoping for a good change for these catterpillars.

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