Thursday, August 3, 2017

where did july go?

Somehow the month disappeared and I found myself another year older.  The last four days of the month were spent in a yoga intensive, 20 hours of yoga completed? Survived? Enjoyed? It is hard to explain to others who are not serious yogis why you would choose to do such an intensive. But the body seems to shape it self in ways you would not think possible with that much focus. And the body extends to the mind. The hardest part is having to go back into real life. But I can't complain too much about real life, at least in my own backyard microcosm.

And the wandering Aero, who chose to not come home for two days, reappeared while we were stapling his picture as a missing cat on all the telephone poles in the neighborhood. He seems moderately guilty for causing us grief and is making regular appearances. This will last only until we think perhaps he may stay home and then he will go walkabout again. He is a cat after all, and they have their own ideas.

This odd humid weather today reminds me that we are in the Dog Days of summer. But at least we are living on the coast and not inland.

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