Wednesday, November 9, 2016

a bad dream?

Unfortunately not, I woke up to election results that are just unfathomable. As I entered the tube this morning, on my way to yoga, there were two people waving and two signs: "we have Alameda". I cried. Yes I'm living in my "mayberry" bubble of Alameda, cushioned by the bay area, cushioned by the state of California. I don't relate to half of my supposed country's voters. Leaving is not possible, too old, too late, two cats. I was greeted by grim faces as I entered the Yoga Room. Rachel said a Canadian friend texted her condolences that she lived in California surrounded by a country she could not understand. And would she be moving? Her response was heartfelt, no, this is my community, I can't leave it. After class we all decided we will  just have to do yoga everyday.

breathe deeply
And after coffee most of us were going home to our our gardens to pull weeds and be outside.

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