Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Spring into Action

"The earth is beginning to  awake - more so in some places than others, but the energy for forward movement is everywhere.  This is a good time to set new projects into motion and establish goals and take the first few steps towards bringing them to eventual fruition.  Tap into the growing energy of spring to help give yourself the energy to get things done.  And then do them!
Spring is growth and greening
magick/Buds, beginnings, blossoms in bloom
Spring is life in fragrant glory/Emerging from the winter's gloom
I embrace the growing power/ And take it deep within my soul
Enchanted by the greening magick/Working towards my spirit's goal
Energy for growth and movement/Energy for life's sweet dance
Rising with the sap to motion/My plans and projects to advance
Once you have said the spell, be sure to follow up with action!"
..... Deborah Blake

from my witches datebook for this week....

My buckeyes are sprouting and I'm starting a new knitting project.

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