Friday, December 30, 2016

closing the year

I decided I should post my year in review in photos. The one thing I miss in the digital age is the scrapbooks I would put together at the end of the year. But then I don't miss the baskets of photos that somehow just never were pasted anywhere.

the road to Dillon Beach

Liz and Patrick enjoying lunch in the shop

down the path from Rosie the Riveter

this was a fleeting moment

looking west

the path from four to three

my retirement cookies

the rangers

Warner Creek

our gardens

the feast of St. Dungeness     

St. Carbonara

Thursday, December 22, 2016

winter at Island Yoga

My Alameda yoga studio, Island Yoga , moved to it's new location today. This afternoon we gathered for a photo shoot. We practiced some of our yoga postures and gave the room a good workout.

And then we went outside to catch the sunset.

Many thanks to the photographer.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

approaching solstice

a small Stonehenge on Weston Beach
A week ago we found ourselves walking on Weston Beach, taking a brief, two day escape before dealing with cat vet appointments, broken heaters, and the "holidays". Season's Greetings, I say, a long ago learned greetings, appropriate for the many who do not celebrate Christmas. We had two full days of meals, art, and weather.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

thanksgiving 2016

Coming off a victory in the Alameda Point Studios Pie Contest for the second year in a row, I am attempting to duplicate the award winning entries for 2015 and 2016.

This is the kitchen scene in between the 2016 winner, apple/persimmon/dried apricot and the 2015 winner, pear/persimmon. I was lucky to find good persimmons, apples, and pears at the local Farmer's Market this Tuesday.

That's 2016 on the right and 2015 on the left. I think the only reason I got an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner tonight was the host and hostess don't bake. There is a promise of good turkey and wine to precede the consumption of pie.
The baking was started with Allen Toussaint singing "Yes We Can Can":

Now's the time for all good men
to get together with one another.
We got to iron out our problems
and iron out our quarrels
and try to live as brothers.
And try to find a piece of land
without stepping on one another.
And do respect the women of the world.
Remember you all have mothers.
We got to make this land a better land
than the world in which we live.
And we got to help each man be a better man
with the kindness that we give.
I know we can make it.
I know darn well we can work it out.
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, why can't we?
If we wanna get together we can work it out.
And we gotta take care of all the children,
the little children of the world.
'cause they're our strongest hope for the future,
The little bitty boys and girls

Make this land a better land
In the world in which we live
And help each man be a better man
With the kindness that you give
And I know we can make it (I know that we can)
I know darn well we can work it out
Yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, why can't we
If we wanna it yes we can can
I know we can make it work
I know we can make it if we try
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, great, gosh almighty
Yes we can, I know we can can

Saturday, November 19, 2016

the feast of St. Dungeness


We thanked them, they were good. A simple salad, french bread, a dry white wine, and two crabs. All consumed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

a bad dream?

Unfortunately not, I woke up to election results that are just unfathomable. As I entered the tube this morning, on my way to yoga, there were two people waving and two signs: "we have Alameda". I cried. Yes I'm living in my "mayberry" bubble of Alameda, cushioned by the bay area, cushioned by the state of California. I don't relate to half of my supposed country's voters. Leaving is not possible, too old, too late, two cats. I was greeted by grim faces as I entered the Yoga Room. Rachel said a Canadian friend texted her condolences that she lived in California surrounded by a country she could not understand. And would she be moving? Her response was heartfelt, no, this is my community, I can't leave it. After class we all decided we will  just have to do yoga everyday.

breathe deeply
And after coffee most of us were going home to our our gardens to pull weeds and be outside.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


This was not magic, it represents the last three days of sorting, organizing, and cleaning. As does this:

But there was some magic in discovering a poem I saved from where or when, I have no idea. The title is Magic, the author Loren Eiseley. I can not find it online, I only have a paper copy, I must have xeroxed from a book. It opens with:

"Magic, an anthropologist once said,
                    simply was from the beginning.
                                                        It was never
created or invented.
                               It travels across time
because of the treacherous imponderables
                                       like death
with which man has to cope."

This struck a deep note in me, the week before magic had been discussed during after yoga coffee in the context of how a grandchild would ever be able to her grandfather in heaven. Because it would be so crowded. Her grandmother responded to her that it was magic and not to worry. The grandchild's response was, oh good then, because I know Gus (her departed dog) has found Lolo (her grandfather).
So I believe in magic, how else would I have found the lost, buried, poem?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

the last day of summer

Tomorrow is Mabon:
Mabon is a harvest festival, the second of three, that encourages pagans to “reap what they sow,” both literally and figuratively. It is the time when night and day stand equal in duration; thus is it a time to express gratitude, complete projects and honor a moment of balance.
It has been a summer to be remembered not so much for summer, but for a new kitchen.The kitchen has been both a difficult and a remarkable experience. And I do feel blessed that we were able to do it. No one who owns a house in the bay area today can complain, and we are fortunate to have had as many quirky craftsman involved to complete the project. We passed the final inspection today and the final cabinet details are being installed as I type.
This morning after fighting my way through traffic to get to my 9:00 yoga class I realized that I had come to what we call our "king's X spot". There I was on my mat surrounded by my best yoga buddies trying to find to find and honor the balance of both mind and body.
Let's hope the four persimmons on the tree ripen and I can turn them into something to be shared with friends.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

met my goal

Wanted to have a new quilt on the bed by September 1 and I was early. It was on the bed on Sunday. Although now I'm moving on to new pillows.

When I removed the covers on the 40 year big pillows to wash them I discovered the old pillow forms underneath were disintegrating. The covers had been replaced at least three times so I guess I got my money's worth out of the original forms. So I've ordered new large pillow forms and am working on replacement covers. Felting experiments have begun. I turned a five year old knitting project, originally designed to be a throw, into a felted pillow. Bravely I plunged it into hot water in the washing machine this morning, and successfully removed it. Now I've ordered a couple of more skeins of yarn to fashion another cover. We will be comfortably reading the paper in bed soon. Ah the joys of retirement.

Monday, August 22, 2016

new in the neighborhood


Creating quite a stir, the Mikes have boldly painted their house. While it does take a little getting used to I'm working on updating my garden with complimentary purple and red pots and trying to figure out how I can keep marigolds going year round.

The whole neighborhood is jockeying for parking places with my carpenters and floor installers, the Mike's painters, and the house under construction across the street. So far no fights have broken out and Dash and Aero are getting used to the commotion. This morning I thought I will look back on this on a quiet foggy morning when I don't have to worry about being up and dressed by 7:30 in the morning and laugh. But I am longing to bake in my own oven.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

kitchen update

Look wainscotting!

We are starting to look like a kitchen. And Dashiell is our chief inspector.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

a ranger meeting

A hot dog afternoon was organized and six of the rangers (the sixth being me the photographer) gathered at Camp Taylor for some grilling, story telling, and general fun.

Fish spotting was included, of course.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

look we have cabinets

Well the beginning of cabinets:


And aren't the hardwood floors beautiful?  Well under the drop cloths they are.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

a beautiful sight

After a few ups and downs and scope ever expanding we came home Friday to the most beautiful sheetrock, taped and textured, and patched walls.

 Never did I think I would enjoy looking at patched walls so much. But it's forward progress. Keep our fingers crossed and we will have kitchen cabinets by next weekend. We've added refinishing the hardwood floors and painting to our project.