Thursday, November 13, 2014

pie, building 14, second annual

The first entry, under cover  
assigning numbers
douglas stands by ready to serve
leon gives instructions on scoring
luke and elliot pay careful attention
advice is given
waiting to be tasted
when can I eat?

getting down to serious business
should we talk about this?
scoring is taken very seriously
now this is more like it
these two maybe become my new co-workers
And the winner was Benny, father of 4 year Luke and Elliot, with an exquisite Alice Waters butter crust, filled with apples and dried bueberries. Second place, Liz, with a pecan, hazelnut, bourbon with a cornmeal crust.
Third, JP, with a concoction of pecans, caramel, whipped cream and chocolate, that was the 8th entry and we all thought we might die if we ate another bite of pie. But we all took that bite and said, hmmm, this is good.

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