Wednesday, August 20, 2014

yellow creek august 2014

I wrote this the morning of August 11th, sitting on the edge of campsite number 2. I usually like to write directly on my computer, but hard to take that technology camping so my notebook had to do. It was a somewhat magical trip, and seems like long ago.

Mike's birthday
raindrops falling
electric air
harder raindrops
stopping, starting

empty campground
host swings
grass soft focus
rain soft sound
now heavier
take cover

sun comes out
host still swings
flies buzz
squirrels call
wind in the trees

The idea was to come for the Perseid meteor showers, somewhat wishful knowing there would be a full moon and the threat of evening thunder showers (thus cloud cover). The full moon shines in the tent door through the clouds. The first morning all the other campers leave giving us the campground to share with only the young hosts and their dog, Nellie, Dustin, and Maple.
Humbug Valley has not lost all of it's green. Summer rains have been kind, keeping a certain verdancy. Many of the birds have left, but the sandhill cranes still call in the morning. The squirrels are actively collecting pine nuts. The falling green cones land heavily on the ground at first light. There is a peacefulness that can only be felt, not described. If no meteors are seen, it is all right, the trip has accomplished it's purpose.

The evening of the 11th gave us an incredible sunset. I just wanted to lay in the meadow and soak it in.

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