Sunday, May 19, 2013

preparing to leave the island

This week brought lenticular clouds to the naval air station, a hint of rain, and a reminder of the mountains and an upcoming trip. Time to finish up the projects from the last trip, check notes, and get ready to leave the island.

So the day was spent organizing. I organize linens and bedding (i.e. sleeping bags and air mattresses), cooking and eating gear, and our green box (the keeper of staples and then some). Mike makes sure the stove and lanterns work, that we have enough tarps, rope, and, of course, the tent.
Equally important is the organization of my yarn and reading material. And a repair of the failed repair of my ancient chair. I found my writing notebook and realized I never blogged any of the material I carefully wrote  from the April trip. Alas, the thoughts will have to be stored away for the future.
We start our preparations early, we don't leave for a week and half, but this gives us time to think of all of things forgotten. And then there is the food. And the checking of the weather forecasts to see how much hot soup might be needed. These late spring trips can bring weather surprises, we have had snow, and we have gotten sunburn. Makes for interesting times.

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