Wednesday, January 30, 2013

west marin getaway

Perhaps our last dozen smalls were obtained and consumed from Drakes's Bay Oysters. They were barbequed and tasty. Like eating the ocean we always say.

Millerton Point was the first stop for the Speed Graphic. The ancient green jacket fills in as a focusing cloth.

And the Marshall Boatworks was the next. The wind was howling, making it just a little more difficult.

Wait, what's this? A pay phone? I didn't know they even existed anymore, but there is one in Tomales.

And here is the friendly horse on Lucas Valley Road. I think it was looking for a handout.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

projects without patterns

I was digging around in my many bags of projects looking for an extra size 4, 16 inch, circular needle. I found one, but attached was a started tam. These projects are always interesting to explore several months, or occasionally, years, from their inception. What was I thinking? Did I have something in mind for this? Was there a theme? I have picked up the needles and will finish the band so I can free them for another project that is currently crossing my mind. I do occasionally knit patterns, in fact this winter I have become fixated on a cowl pattern that is very controlled and counted and, in fact, what I want the size 4 needles to start my fourth Ptarmigan (the name of the pattern). Now my tams do follow a basic pattern I have devised, so they will at least be wearable, however the reason I enjoy them is the escape from control. Knitting, for the most part, has become my form of meditation. And even when knitting a more formal pattern I tend to pick ones that will allow the fingers to be active, but the mind to wander. Or the mind to be empty. Truly, a meditation.
We had a dinner gathering last night of old college friends who had lived in the student Coops in the late sixties and early seventies. Many of us spent the fall of 1970 through the spring of 1971 in Stebbins Hall. People had come from as far away as North Carolina, and Alaska for this event. Joined by wives and various friends of the group is was an interesting mix of doctors, lawyers, venture capitalists, city planners, biologists, teachers, mailmen, biochemists, machinists, and myself, the late in life piano technician. A well traveled group, some with more capital than the machinist and the piano technician, there was much talk of our recreational activities. I've yet to come up with an exciting explanation for my enjoyment of hours of knitting, especially when many of those hours are spent sitting on the ground next to stream keeping track of the fisherman. Well not really the ground, I do have a low chair I carry with me everywhere. Being that we are in the winter months of what has been a very cold winter, sitting next to a stream in the sun has a very romantic appeal right now. And the uncontrolled hours of meditation are only a few months away. For now I will have to content myself to sunny spot upstairs, and maybe I can convince the cat he should share the chair.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

clean kitchen counter

I baked this afternoon for the second time this weekend. A sign of a good weekend. But alas, my baking is also very messy. And now I know why the recipe calls for using a hand mixer at high speed versus your Kitchenaid fitted with a paddle. The volume of vanilla sugar and butter in the bowl is great in the Fragrant Orange and Lemon cake. And the high volume speed of the Kitchenaid flings the contents of the bowl all over the counter, floor, wall etc. But I have a lovely cake cooling and my counter is now clean.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the new year has truly started


We were all getting a bit worried, because New Year's doggie has just appeared, missing the first of the year. It has been cold, and there have been various illness's going around so the bichon flag audience will let the lateness go by. The shop has been suffering from the cold, and colds. I try to tell myself you burn extra calories just trying to stay warm, and perhaps some of the holiday treats will melt off the body with no effort on my part. But the temptation to go home early has been strong, and oft observed. This is perfect weather for the knitter and the knits though. Although there has been competition with Gris-gris for the chair upstairs in the sun. Somehow ten pounds of cat seems to outsmart me in this battle. I am soft hearted and he knows it. It's that sorrowful look saying you wouldn't think of moving me would you?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We are all set, braved the usual crowds at Pegasus Books. This sale has the benefit of the most enjoyable line that meanders the edges of the bookstore inching your way along to the checkout counter. Most everyone in a friendly mood. 2012 calendars are down, 2013 are up, bring on the New Year.