Sunday, December 23, 2012

the plastic tomato


Well I just couldn't leave the plastic tomato in the basement. The jumbled display above has gotten more and more crowded as I have found somethings in the wicker chest I just wanted to bring upstairs. Some may think this is a rather pathetic tree. I used to be a major fan of real trees, but vacuuming up those pine needles well after the season ended, just became too much. But since the world did not come to an end on Friday I thought I would get into the spirit a little more.

The plastic tomato has history in my family. It is an "heirloom" ornament from my parents. It's past dates back to WWII when the pretty glass ornaments were not available. As a child, I always thought this was the oddest thing. The combination of being a tomato, and being plastic, just struck me as unusual. Well the plastic part has lead to it's longevity, and when my brother and sister and I divided up my mother's collection of ornaments, they thought I should have the tomato. So here it is.

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