Monday, December 31, 2012

a good end to 2012

A trip up Devil's Gulch is our traditional way to spend New Year's Eve. It was cold, but we spotted a baker's dozen spawning salmon in the creek.

That is frost under the tree, and water was frozen in small puddles on the road back to the car. But we have ways of dealing with the cold.

Mike is wearing two t-shirts, two layers of fleece, down vest, cashmere moebius, and his lucky brown trout tam. Not visible are his gum boots. A must in footwear for this trip. The trail along the creek and the road back is muddy and overflowing with winter run off from the recent rains. But Nicasio reservoir was spilling over the dam, so a good year of water for Marin county. And we were treated to spotting of a pileated woodpecker, not an everyday sight.

Thank you National Geographic for this photo. This was only the second one we have ever seen, the first being in Plumas county, many years ago.
After our walk back to the car we drove up to Millerton Point, pulling our chairs and milk crate out of the car, a Rettie portable picnic table. Here we enjoyed our Fairfax Perry's deli sandwichs on the edge of Tomales Bay.
Home for simple meal with friends, and we will be in bed by 10:30 pm. I'm sure the new year can welcome itself in with out us.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

the plastic tomato


Well I just couldn't leave the plastic tomato in the basement. The jumbled display above has gotten more and more crowded as I have found somethings in the wicker chest I just wanted to bring upstairs. Some may think this is a rather pathetic tree. I used to be a major fan of real trees, but vacuuming up those pine needles well after the season ended, just became too much. But since the world did not come to an end on Friday I thought I would get into the spirit a little more.

The plastic tomato has history in my family. It is an "heirloom" ornament from my parents. It's past dates back to WWII when the pretty glass ornaments were not available. As a child, I always thought this was the oddest thing. The combination of being a tomato, and being plastic, just struck me as unusual. Well the plastic part has lead to it's longevity, and when my brother and sister and I divided up my mother's collection of ornaments, they thought I should have the tomato. So here it is.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

don't worry

So I guess I'll have to finish all those holiday errands after all.

I have this theory that woman are somehow programmed with the Christmas gene. And no matter how we fight it, it comes out at this time of the year. It is attached to the same gene that makes us childless women throw babies on our hips when we pick them up. We can suppress the gene, and simplify, but at least one string of Christmas lights will go up, and the old family candle of the choir boy gets put on the mantle. I have to confess, the plastic tomato, a family heirloom ornament, is still in the basement, and will probably remain there until 2013 when it will get another chance at making an appearance. The stockings are not hung by the chimney with care, and I think the Christmas Spode will remain in the basement with the tomato. But I have survived four parties, got a great cutting board out of our Yankee trader building exchange, and haven't offended anyone. So I might make it to 2013.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

report from seaplane lagoon


Seaplane Lagoon has been the hub of much activity lately. One of the latest craft spotted has been the saildrone. It was first seen driving by the shop on a very high trailer, it's keel being almost as long as it's wing. Along with this sighting it seems like Artemis may be having races in very small single handed cats which whiz across the lagoon around course markers. I have yet to capture them digitally. And, we spotted a very small remote controlled model sailboat cruising around one afternoon. The boys and I do really get some work done, but the lagoon is ever so distracting. Not to mention the high tides of the week. When walking to work I look for this:

This is the crane that lifts the AC72 Artemis hull, and then wing into the water. They have been been out this week. Brrrr. But check out this video Artemis on the bay to see how impressive the boat is in the water.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

yes, it's december

Monday on the return drive from lunch, with fingers crossed, I drove myself and my workmates past the doggie flag house. Yes, it's up, Santa Doggie! We can relax now until January 1 when, will it be New Year's Doggie?
I made note that full holiday decorations are appearing on my walk to work. I am a little concerned with this one:

It does appear that Santa has had a fatal accident on the front lawn. I told the kids they'd better be good or this might happen.
But Santa Doggie's family is into the full holiday spirit.