Tuesday, October 30, 2012

nesting/traveling/seasonal changes

Perhaps I should start with seasonal changes. As the days shorten, the weather cools, the Giants win the World Series, I have this instinctive turning inward. There is an urge to make ravioli, talk to the cat, and stay close to home. But October is one of the nicest months of the year to travel. I have a theory that people who are true nesters, myself being one, like to travel to the same places. We, or I, want to know what we are getting into, and we return to places that make us comfortable. The aspens turning yellow and cottonwoods gold are the familiar colors of autumn. I feel an urge to drink up the brightness, to save it for the winter months.

We missed the peak color in Taos this year, but that is all right. It is good to know the seasons vary from year to year. That is knowledge gained from visiting the familiar nests. These nests may be by a river or inside a comfortable guest house. But indoors or out they seem a bit like home.

And now to wait for 2013 Spring training to start.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, G-A. I think fall is wonderful, except that you-know-what is right around the corner. Also, visiting places you know: hence we went to Inverness year after year. Familiar, embracing.


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