Wednesday, August 29, 2012

too busy to blog

Anyone who has ever attempted to keep up a steady stream of blogging probably understands how ideas come and go in your head. Entire stories are told to yourself but never make it to the ether. So that has been this week. It has been filled with Louie, our part time cat; the theory of spots, not dots but places; the lone Artemis boat in the lagoon in the early morning and then hauled out by crane; and chisels. I think there have been thoughts of the seasons changing, a blue moon, and losing the morning and evening light too.
As one who likes to illustrate thoughts with photographs there seem to be even more challenges.
Now Artemis has been easy:

And the chisels, well here's the photo, but the story is still running around on my work bench as I chip away.

Louie, I need to record his purring and perhaps get him to write a few lines, he seems to try to wrap himself around my neck when I am typing. We still do not know his actual home, but his owners do not seem to know about advantage for fleas as he just deposited a couple on me. He will appear at home and they may wonder what the funny spot on the back of his head is. Any pet owners out there know about the sort punk hairdo created for a couple of days after the application of this better living through chemistry brought to us by Bayer. I could do a whole blog on this overpriced product that has kept our household flea free for many years.
Now the theory of spots, the best spot for cats, people in yoga classes favorite location, and where we sit a dining room table will have to wait for another day. And the photo, hmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I know so well how ideas run around in head for blog posts and never make it to the page. While we were in Glacier, I was still doing that, even though I KNEW I had no WiFi access and good-by stories.

    This is a nice post, thought--glad you got it down.


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