Saturday, June 30, 2012


The blue quilt is on the bed, a sign that it is summer. I am not sure why, but this quilt, made in 1999, just seems appropriate for the season of peaches and corn on the cob. Now that we are in our second week of summer, the fog has rolled in, graciously rolling out for the better part of the day. The hollyhocks and gladiolas are blooming and Gris-gris is enjoying the warm afternoon concrete.

Summer is my favorite season, I can remember my childhood wanderings wearing 29 cent zorries and returning bottles to get enough cash to go swimming at the local high school. Although I do have some memories of Red Cross swimming lessons, and a less than stellar performance in those classes. My mother didn't swim and she was a firm believer that her children would learn how. Sunscreen was something unheard of, along with bicycle helmets, and cell phones. When you heard the 5 o'clock whistle at the firehouse blow you were suppose to return home.


  1. Totally get the blue-and-white summer quilt, very summerish! Also: zorries! Is it a mark of our age that we call them that? Then they became "thongs," which made the girls next door blush when they were little girls because of course they thought I meant underwear. Now they're flipflops.

    1. I think our most current household term for them is jandals, not sure at what age that came in, and they seem to cost more but are much sturdier. I remember when the "zorries" would wear out, meaning the strap would pop out from the front. Best you could hope for was a summer's wear.


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