Sunday, March 11, 2012

my first piano party

These are the two pianos, a Steinway Model L and a Steinway Model B, from the 1920's. We've pushed everything out of the way to feature these full restorations. And we have a piano out in the hallway well along it's way to completion, and two more, playable, but not complete in cell one next door. This involved much pushing and shoving.

This is our "belly room", as it is called, kind of our space under the bed. Much machinery and tools got relocated.

We bring in Yahirha, known as the "tornado". This woman is fearless, and fast, don't get in her way. And the clean windows are being enjoyed.

We all needed a calm break, and Douglas sat down to play, while Rhys and Grant listened.

Soon we were into another round of work, setting up the bar, and then the all important food.

The setting sun was there to start welcoming our guests, and we could get ready to enjoy some music.

The owners of the Steinway B, in the middle and the far left seemed to be enjoying themselves.

And I didn't have to wear a name tag, thanks to my lime green bowling shirt, which I only wear on very special occasions.

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