Sunday, July 10, 2011

shaking the building

This very large machine has been pounding steel beams into the ground next to our building. Somehow all of these beams are going to be connected with a series of wires that will heat up the soil and then noxious vapors are somehow collected, removed, released, gone to the who knows what, but we are supposed to be better off. This is all part of a 20 million clean up the Naval Air Station project. All I know is our building and the floor vibrates and it is very unpleasant. And one wonders if this is the best way to spend 20 million dollars.
At least at Building 14 we have learned from our past, and are careful with our paints, solvents, and other toxic, noxious materials. I learned where to dump the used solvents this week. Unlike the Navy we just don't put them in the ground. I did clean out a glue pot, and dumped the water and old glue into the weeds outside the building. It's an organic product, and I'll be curious to see if my patch of weeds starts growing. 

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