Wednesday, August 26, 2020

at peace with zoom yoga dashiell and I

Caving in to zoom yoga, an actual class in a studio a distant memory, I setup props and hope for the best. First, that the technology will work, so far so good on that front. And two, Dashiell will not come in, bite my toes, and try to sit on me. Shut doors are no problem for him to open. There is enough heft in that sturdy body to merely push them aside. This morning he came in, toured the room and settled into the rocking chair, peacefully sleeping through the entire class and then some.

Monday, August 24, 2020

anonymous neighbors leave new cats

As I was leaving the house yesterday morning to drive across town for the Sunday bakery treats, feeling less than cheerful between covid fatigue and bad fire air I spied a new creature laying in the garden. This little ceramic cat had been place in a bed of cat mint. 

When I returned home, two more friends had joined the garden party.

I smiled, what a neighborhood I live in. The air might be bad, a pandemic is still going on but someone placed these little creatures to put a smile on my face. Thank you.