Friday, March 27, 2020

missing your green tea lattes?

Okay my apologies for stealing this image, but increased sales could be a result. With the current sheltering-in-place going on many of us have taken to finding ways to cope. I Zoomed a qigong session this morning. Having been quite adverse to all this zooming I caved. So it took three devices and shoving Dashiell out the back door but I persevered and hopefully next week I will shelter in my library with one working device and no cats.

My friend Liz told me she ordered a milk frother from Bed and Bath so she could make her afternoon treat. And I liked her suggestion of a "night out" ordering takeout and sitting in her camper van at the Berkeley Marina with her partner, dining by candlelight. I have found Target at great source for such items as immersion blenders and light bulbs. At "happy hour", my hubbie's term, that would be between 8am and 9am on Wednesday, they even had toilet paper. Although it was difficult to keep six feet apart. But there was only one other person buying cat food, and the checker told me I had to bag my own items if I wanted to use my own bag. Since I like bagging my own items anyway I didn't see this as a problem. And I still am on my avoid as much plastic as possible campaign so I just didn't need another plastic bag. I have, however been washing all of my shopping bags which is something I've been rather lax about in the past. 
I was informed by my friend Rebecca that Peet's is offering free shipping, that being an excuse to buy almost anything, at any time. However I do worry about our poor UPS people. We got a delivery at 9:45 pm this week. 
Please thank your grocery checkers, Farmer's Market folks, postal carriers, and garbage men. I may have to sneak down to Santos Liquors on the corner and buy a Hagen Das bar from Mike. Washing my hand profusely upon return. But when you're having pastrami sandwichs with blue cheese and dill pickle slices for lunch, things just can't be that bad. Stay well.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

vernal equinox 2020

Or 38 years of marriage.... Spring Equinox 2020 and when shall we celebrate?

So in fact the Roman calendar date we were married was March 20th. We purposely chose that date because it was the first day of Spring. And for the last 37 years it has occurred here in California on that date. But, this year the equinox falls today, March 19th, at 8:49 pm. So if we were in Scotland celebrating, no problem. Do we celebrate today or tomorrow since we are not anywhere but shelter-in-place Alameda. We consulted our neighborhood witch, that would be Michael next door. I only casually call myself a witch but he has been to witch camp. He advised today, or tonight really. And so we left the house to obtain proper food to cook ourselves a celebratory meal. Obviously we can't go out. That will just have happen later, good lord willing and the creek doesn't rise, and we all get through Covid-19 insanity.