Wednesday, December 25, 2019

dulce domum

A bit of a holiday tradition I like to read "Dulce Domum", a chapter from Wind in the Willows.

This book was given to me as a birthday gift in 1959 and has been with me ever since. It did in recent years have an accidental dose of water in a corner away from my possession. But it remains readable and much loved. Dulce Domum, or Home Sweet Home is the story of Ratty and Mole returning from a day away and coming home along a path that takes them by Mole's old home underground. A sweet story with caroling field mice. I think that my love of this book and it's characters may explain my relationship with rats and mice, a good one.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

christmas eve 2019

We made a run to White House Pool to collect buckeye balls for the 2019 crop. And then of course there was a lunch of fried calamari and Caesar salad.
Across from our parked car we spotted Mike's new project.

Photo project, that is....

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

anticipating solstice

The new quilt is on the bed.


 The fruitcake has arrived.

This is not just any fruitcake, this is Maureen's fruitcake, for people who don't like fruitcake.