Wednesday, October 30, 2019


A small altar this year, but marigolds everywhere. I even managed to fashion a ristra from the the marigolds I harvested from the garage roof.

Friday, October 25, 2019

New Mexico report 2019

On the first day I learned you can make ristras from marigolds.

We heard a knock on the door of our Airbnb and there was Susanna looking for Nancy, the previous occupant. Nancy was spending a month in Dixon and vacated our wonderful abode for the two nights we were staying there to return when we left. A lesson, make your reservations early. I was quite happy to accept the gift.

On day two we decided to document the many volunteer fire departments (there may be more on that subject in a later blog).

Day three, the bighorn sheep at Pilar on the Rio Grande, probably a herd of twenty.

By day four and five it was time to get serious about yoga, which we all did. Perhaps deeper and more intense than ever before. Something which can not be put into words but felt by all of us. There is an energy practicing in the shadow of Taos Mountain. After lunch I made my pilgrimage to walk Penitente.

Day six I took a morning break from yoga to spend time down on the Rio Grande with Mike.

Day seven, how soon it came. After lunch we visited the Fechin House.

And then a drive north where New Mexico treated us to the wide open skies I love.

After an evening of music, and laughter, day eight arrived and time to leave Taos for Santa Fe. A combination of time to catch our breath and take in the week before not to mention a botanic garden, a photo gallery, the Geogia O'keeffe Museum, Garcia Books and more.
We made our way to Albuquerque on day ten, looking forward to being home but taking a last stop to take in the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

'In most Pueblo Languages, there is no word for goodbye. Because we believe in the cyclical nature of our existence, we know we will meet again, whether in the near future or at a time far off. As we part with you today, we prefer to say "See you next time" or "See you later" or "Until we meet again".'

Monday, October 7, 2019

made it to a monarch

I've been watching my chrysalis closely since returning home from Agness (Oregon). I noticed darkening inside and the pattern of tiny Monarch wings.

With some warmer weather the butterfly decided it was time to come out.

About two hours later with wings fully grown and dried it flew off. Spawned two yesterday and three more getting ready.
I learned about Grandmother Agnes and the Salmon Blessing while at the Rogue River. I'm hoping for the Monarch Blessing. The Rogue was beautiful, especially with rain.