Monday, August 19, 2019

craft day

Sometimes you buy things and then wonder what you were thinking when you made the purchase. And these items float around in closets and on shelves reminding you as you come across them that you are not always of sound, clear mind. Sometimes I can just give things away, chalking it up to mercury in retrograde or some such other excuse. But this morning I took to crafting, something I think I am just genetically predisposed. So that off white cotton sweater became grey with a bottle of Rit dye and a YouTube video watched.

Really, the color is quite nice and as long as it doesn't rub off on me every time I wear it, I'll be happy.
So then I moved on to that pink cashmere yarn I bought. Well it was on sale, but the pink,  it was pink. So another YouTube video on tea dyeing watched.

Eight teabags later, I may have some yarn I can actually knit into something that might be wearable.

No, I did not make the wind chime the yarn is hanging from, that came from a neighbor who was cleaning out a house of someone who must have seriously been into crafts.

Monday, August 12, 2019

august garden

The chairs needed some updating, so out came some new and old quilts that haven't ventured outside before. The red and black flying geese is just a little too bold for our bed, and the purple lone star came out of the cedar chest. Both the quilts and I are happy with the new arrangement.

And I put back my special corner with a view into the garage. I'm sure there will be future postings on the garage activities.

I've only partially given up on farming, even if I did convert one of the tubs in the "little farm", as my my neighbor Michael and I refer to it, to flowers. I have Swiss chard seeds started to take the place of the tomatoes.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

celebrating summer

We made a visit on Friday to West Marin. The drive through Samuel P. Taylor State Park was nothing less than glorious. The light, the smell, the perfect temperature. I gave a nod to my father, who saw no reason to travel anywhere else. Yes Dad, perhaps your were right.
We stopped at Devil's Gulch to visit the Mother Tree, the one I propagate from in the fall and early winter. This tree has spawned many offspring, one growing in our backyard to full blooming adulthood.
After a brief stop for sandwiches  we headed out the Marshall Beach Road, where the fog had overtaken the sun.

Our lunch spot was the Coast Guard Cemetery, an off missed spot on the tourist trail.

After consuming our lunch we headed to a spot, definitely on the tourist list.

We'll come back in the winter. But the day ended with the Night Blooming Ceres showing it's glory. Something I often miss because it only blooms for one night.

A perfect ending to a perfect day.