Friday, November 23, 2018

rain is lovely but

Peace is not easy on a rainy day. A very soggy Aero showed up, and attempts to show him a lovely spot on the chair resulted in this photo. As I typed he and Dashiell attacked each other and both ended up on the table. But things have calmed down. I've given up on telling Aero he is breaking the house rules and is not allowed on the dining room table. Dashiell understands, plus he has the nice wool blanket to sleep on. So I let sleeping cats lie. And listen to the rain.

Friday, November 9, 2018

6th annual alameda point studios pie contest

And the winner this year: Douglas Braak with a rhubarb blueberry. Now he did cheat, the pie was warm, but considering the lengths he went to, fighting traffic and all to deliver it, we overlooked that. The award winner is on the bottom left, almost completely consumed.
Across the bench from it is Benny's apple, guava, cardamom, ginger which definitely gets points for originality. And JP's pretzel crust mousse, questionable whether it is a pie or not, was a really surprise. That salty crust complimented the chocolate sweetness. Then there was the Salinas blueberriy, and seven other very tasty entries. Compliments to all the bakers. Okay and it's my blog so I have to show the remains of my persimmon, apple, pomegranate which tasted really good for breakfast this morning.