Tuesday, July 18, 2017

throw down your crust

The fifth annual pie contest takes place this afternoon and my entry was made listening to this:

Music is an important factor in pie making. Although I have to say the crust on this year's entry was not very cooperative. But as a seasoned pie make I didn't let that slow me down.

I am quite capable of making a big mess whether there is cooperation or not.
And here is the entry:

Wish me luck. Contest is at 2:30.

Friday, July 7, 2017

diving cats, an update

Shortly after posting Aero in the great stretch I was watering the back yard. My sprinkling under the porch startled the sleeping cat who must have kicked his back legs and knocked the NO to the concrete below.
Not a soft landing.


All the pieces were found, but alas, my 30 year old Heath tile may be a goner...so we are taking a new approach.

no diving

Even if it is 86 degrees on the backporch.