Tuesday, May 17, 2016


noun: retirement; plural noun: retirements

the action or fact of leaving one's job and ceasing to work.

What are you going to do, travel?
Yes, I think I will go to Alturas.

Alturas is the county seat of Modoc county. In my youth, I planned a route driving home from a river trip in Montana so I could visit. What can I say, geography majors have strange ideas of a good time. And Mike and I had a fond Italian meal there once that was so plentiful we had dinner the following night. As we walked home from the restaurant that was filled with fire fighters, it was September and a bad fire season, it rained lightly on us. We now buy Coppola red wine and refer to it as "Alturas", it was on the wine list and happily consumed.

We both told our employers goodbye, or at least goodbye August 1. That stack of books by the side of the bed, the Spanish class I've been wanting to take, the closet of fabric and yarn, all of these things will be addressed. Outer Mongolia (do they still call it that?) is not on the list of travel destinations, perhaps Outer California. But only after spending time with Dash and Aero weeding the backyard.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

a belated trip report

May 1 we headed to Tom's Place, a somewhat long journey with closed passes. But we were rewarded with this view of Mono Lake, the first of many amazing skies.

We were a week later than usual this year, but the mountains hold more snow than we have seen in many years.

The weather was surprisingly kind to us though and my bughouse proved to be valuable as a wind shelter. Wind being more of a problem for the fisherman than yogi knitter.

I'm quite good at tucking myself into the willows when the need arises. At McGee Creek I could escape, the fishing became impossible, but the scenery breathtaking.

Rock Creek offered shelter for me and small fish for Mike.

When the wind proved to be too much for both of us we took to the roads with our cameras and were rewarded.

The drive home brought new snow but, fortunately, clear roads. And scenes that looked like they should be in Chinese painting.