Thursday, March 3, 2016

field trip day

We visited the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historic Park in Richmond today. The day was planned to hear Betty Reid Soskin speak. She is 94 and the oldest park ranger in the country. If you have not heard her, you should. As she says at 94, she is not sure of her shelf life. In these times of a presidential election, having to hear Trump and his supporters speak, the thought of leaving the country, or wondering what country I actually live in, has been in mind more that I would ever hope possible. Betty, and the people who came to hear her speak, give me hope all may not be lost. We had lunch and then took advantage of the screening of Blossoms and Thorns and "q and a" as Flora Ninomiya called it, about Japanese living in Richmond during WWII and their being hauled off to "concentration camps". Again someone, who at 80, is trying to get the word out about what can happen today if we become complacent. She also wanted us to tell everyone about what a wonderful place Rosie the Riverter is and that we should get all of our friends to visit.