Sunday, January 24, 2016

fame, fortune, my name up in lights

Well I don't really know about fame and fortune, and there are no lights on the pie trophy, but my name is engraved on the plaque. I'm not sure where I go from here. There is a cookie trophy and rumblings of an upcoming contest.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

the boys go outside

Dash and Aero have taken to the great outdoors. Agnes and Mike have taken to relaxing (well mostly) about letting them explore. There have been the usual adventures involving the schoolyard and the front yard. The basement has been discovered and the top of the canoe hanging under the porch.


And then there is the cat door. Dashiell has figured out the coming and going like he was programmed from birth. Aero, well, he's got the out but the in is a little sketchy. We are working on him.