Wednesday, December 31, 2014

devil's gulch the last day of 2014

It was cold and damp but the earthy smell is a reminder of my childhood and always a good sendoff of the year. We did not spot any salmon, but they have been there. And the bouquet of bay leaves I brought home will scent the evening's activities. I gathered the buckeye crop for 2014. They are potted up, waiting for the spring.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

the best gift of the season


We finished up our usual produce shopping, loading the bags into the back of the car when our favorite produce man ran up to us and gave us these. We will eat them for dinner.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

the light returns, winter solstice 2014 3:03 pm....

taos door october 2014
We celebrated with friends and crabs last night, and we celebrate again tonight with more friends. The absence of writing has not been absence of thought, but absence of time. Light brings energy to time. Welcome Yule!