Tuesday, December 31, 2013

it was a chutney year

Peach chutney happens every two to three years as our supply is slowly eaten on leftover pork sandwiches and other various food items. Usually these edibles are leftovers of somewhat suspect taste and the chutney enhances or disguises the flavors. The peaches were purchased at our favorite farm stand on Deschutes Road heading home from a Lassen camping trip. It's a two day process to make the chutney on day one and on day two to can it. There is something about the canning process that I enjoy. A connection with the past, when "putting up" was a necessity rather than an option.


The 2013 camping season was a good one, but this tent location spoiled me for the year. Alas, not many places left in the state like this one. And if I find any, I will keep them a secret.

I will end my year blogs with as close as I get to going to church. The green church, known by many who frequent the eastside of the Sierra. And give a thanks for the happy event to come in 2014, when my next door neighbors Mike and Michael can legally marry. Let's hope the Giants have a better 2014, go Timmy. Looking forward to new calendars tomorrow and a new year.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

is this santa gargoyle the true spirit of christmas?

I spotted this on my way to work this morning. Attempting to walk off some of the merriment of the past few days I had a brisk and quiet stroll to the air station. I think this icon pretty much sums up my feelings about Christmas. How can one not enjoy a holiday that includes a phone call to the south part of the state and a conversation with your seven year old niece who tells you she misses you. In fact, she really misses the cat. But I told her how much Gris-gris enjoyed his Christmas presents from her. And she is only seven, hopefully in years to come it really will be me who she misses. And my brother-in-law assures me that she does talk about Mike and I all the time. We might have to book a visit soon.

Gris-gris enjoying the presents from his cousin

some potent catnip in this mouse

We had neighbors drop by in the afternoon bringing gifts of homemade kahlua  and biscotti. And we received chutney and jam the night before. I've come to appreciated these gifts as the true spirit of the holiday. The spirit is there, you just have to avoid all the before, during, and after Christmas sales. In fact the Rettie household did not do much for retail sales this holiday period, unless you count food. We did more than our part for that segment of the economy. Now if only I can figure out what day of the week it is (midweek holidays are hard on us working folk) I may make it to New Years.

Monday, December 23, 2013

there are things I like about the holidaze

I received an email Christmas card today from someone I used to eat lunch with every Friday during my days in Emeryville. Healy and I would have a two item bento, usually tuna sashimi and california roll, salad instead of rice. We would dish people in the office, discuss sports and decorating ideas. Friday was known as "lunch with Healy day". It's been awhile since we've had lunch, but it's good to know he still thinks of me. A card arrived from England this week too, from Neil our second next door neighbor, the first set got their annual letter to us already, and we are having dinner with the first set on Christmas Eve, and Christmas brunch with the current set. People reach out from the past and present, and the simple notes in cards are appreciated. We've had a crab solstice dinner with friends and are cooking Christmas dinner to celebrate with others. I will have to get out my Mother's Christmas Tree Spode. Our New Years card will, hopefully, get out by the New Year.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

view from the shop back door

I stood less than five feet away from this guy this morning. It was like he was posing for the belly department of the shop. An immature Redtail we've decided, often seen hunting rabbits on the point. Evidently he and Lucky (our building cat) have had stare downs, each one sizing up the other. Prey or predator?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

air space

As I walked to work the other day I was struck by the seemingly vast empty space as I entered the naval air station. Walking up Oriskany there are no people in sight and the feeling is not unlike that of being out in the high desert. Except it is sea level and I'm walking on concrete and asphalt over land fill. There are people but they are behind large metal doors in high ceiling warehouses. There is a sense of abandonment, but not ugliness. And the walk to work is a walk towards the water of Seaplane Lagoon and a view of San Francisco. So there is a promise of a populated civilization.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

a tree for the holidaze

This is a clamp tree, wooden clamps, used by woodworkers. Adorned with two strings of LED lights and topped with Superman. The tree skirt is a burlap coffee bean bag. Our shop provided the power and Superman, but Liz (blueberry pie baker) came up with the inspiration, and the ever important, execution. I like it. This morning when I pulled up at a very chilly 7:30 am it was guiding me into the building. Winter has come to Building 14, the piano shop has about the only heat in the facility. Not much heat, but enough that we take in cold woodworkers and offer them espresso. As Carl Nolte so eloquently wrote this weekend, winter comes to the Bay Area in December. And we ate our first crab of the season Saturday night. Two whole crabs, purchased live, cooked in the canning pot. Eaten with a triple levain baquette, a salad, and wine.