Sunday, March 24, 2013

scotch soda bread

Scotch soda bread is baked the weekend after St. Patrick's Day, when you have leftover buttermilk and sour cream that you don't want to waste. Scotch Soda Bread contains those odd bits of dried fruit lying around the cupboard too. And just for kicks, I threw in pecans. Waste not, want not is the motto of the Rettie kitchen. What is leftover on Saturday morning in the way of veggies goes into some egg concoction, and rather than turning those dead bananas into bread (sort of joke, since I rarely bake banana bread) I make smoothies. Smoothies are often made on Sundays as well, when I've scoured the bargain shelf at Dan's Produce. You can get some good 99 cent bargains. My grandmother Agnes would be proud of me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

not to disappoint

There was great excitement from shop members when we drove by leprechaun bichon. I've been lax in posting but he has been up there since the first of the month. And a reminder to all to get your corned beef and cabbage ready for Sunday dinner. The Rettie celebration of this feast goes way back. We may be Scots and not Irishmen, but we do take this holiday seriously.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

monterey 2013


Last week we took our winter trip to Monterey where we visited our favorite haunts. The poison oak at Point Lobos was starting to leaf out and was looking exceptionally healthy. I guess the lack of rainfall has not been a problem. Asilomar offers winter special rates and we took advantage of them. The weather was beautiful, and our dinner at Passionfish in Pacific Grove was outstanding. We were relieved to find our favorite used bookstore had not closed, but had been sold, and was up and running under a new owner. We were very restrained, only one book came home with us. It was a pleasant break, but we are both itching for more than a weekend away.