Tuesday, July 31, 2012

taking in the sights

This lifeboat was being launched as I rounded the corner onto Ferry Point this morning. I saw two of them out in Seaplane Lagoon shortly afterwards. They were putting up quite a wake.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

bunny says

Shortly before 10:00 pm last night the evil rabbit appeared. Bunny Says: Front Porch Go!

There was pie and bacon...... hmm the perfect breakfast, what a birthday present.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

meet louie, formerly louise

This is the view you usually get of Louie, only generally it is at 2:00am. Louie thinks we have better snacks and toys than his household. Or at least ours are available at all hours.

After many nocturnal visits we named Louie, Louise, never getting a close inspection in the daylight as to gender. This morning he appeared in in good light. He's young, lives somewhere in the neighborhood, purrs rapidly and often. Does have a little behaviour problem involving his teeth though.

But how can you resist this?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

so what do you think?

My workmates and I drive by this adorable little thing several times a week. And we all cringe. One of my biggest fears in life is that I end up wearing sweatshirts with puffy, cute, little animals on then. And they would probably be kittens. Kind of like this:
Right after I start wearing the above I will get a collections of flags for all seasons to go along with them.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

dogs in america

Sorry no photos, but an observation. There has been a shift in the dog landscape of America from the large labs and golden retrievers to small dogs. We did have one lab mix camped next to us, and a very sweet 50 pound female mix of border collie, cattledog, and who knows what, but for the most part all of dogs were small. The people across from us had a chair for their dog, and she would tell the dog to go see "daddy". Okay, I admit we often tell Gris-gris to go ask "mom" or "dad" for something, but we are in the privacy of our own home when referring to each other by these terms. And small dogs seem to be capable of making large volumes of sound when passing or being passed by other small dogs being taken on walks in the campground.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

111 in redding

At least that's what the thermometer in the tow truck registered as the outside temperature. The alternate title: "things don't always go as planned".

But if you have to break down in an area with no cell phone coverage, and you have to get towed all the way into Redding to a repair shop, I recommend Lassen Pines Christian Camp (thank you Zack), Mt Burney Towing (thank you John Knowles Jr.), and Hutchins Auto Repair (they kindly found us a rental car and fixed the truck the next day).
The fishing we did get in was good. It was a one book, one tam, one moebius plus trip. And the weather at Lassen was a mere 82-84 as a high. The nights were cool but not too cold.
We have some things to do before our next trip out, like buy a new truck, upgrade our AAA road service (we think we dodged the bullet on extra towing charges) and be good kind people to keep the karma bank going.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

the vegetable garden

In fact, there is not one single vegetable planted in this plot. It stared out in life as my veggie garden, but it has turned into my little old lady flower garden. Joyce, a past next door neighbor, and I used to have a joke about our lol flower gardens. No extraordinary horticultural specimens occupy this space, but the sunflowers and marigolds I grew from seed, and the dahlias and gladiolas are returnees from past years. There is catnip sprinkled in along with an occasional sleeping cat.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

thunderbolt peak

Thunderbolt Peak, 14, 003 feet. 

Named by the first ascent party in 1931 (including notable climbers Norman Clyde, Jules Eichorn, Glen Dawson, Francis Farquhar, Robert Underhill, Bestor Robinson and Lewis Clark) when lightning struck during a harrowing descent.
My version in wool:

The biggest hazard might be getting stuck by the button. Wear with caution!