Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the bo leaves the building

No easy task! We were all happy to see her go. We decided a lovely piano, but high maintenance. She seemed to be popping bass strings too, something that makes an incredible sound and then launches this projectile out the back of the case. Now since I was working directly behind her, I was starting to get a little nervous. And we are all praying she holds together for the inaugural concert.

We practically attacked our UPS driver today for the package containing the above replacement string. And we even held off lunch so this could be installed, as the movers were on their way. And lunch is a very serious event in our day, not to be messed with.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

chloe and the big bo

Chloe Ma is 11. She won the Oakland Symphony's Young Artist Competition this summer while she was still 10. It has been a rather interesting week in the shop with "Big Bo". And certain evil spirits have been exorcised listening to Chloe play this huge piano.


Her mother says she likes to play things loud, and the power of the sound from Bo is quite impressive. We had a bit of mini piano party in the shop today, with several generations present. A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

will this piano make it to Hawaii?

Rebuilding this piano may actually have been easier than getting it back to it's owner. It came from Honolulu and is on it's way back. Now if  I was a freight company and someone was arranging shipping a crate containing a grand piano in it wouldn't I assume it might be large, and heavy? Two hours, two trucks, and a forklift later it actually made it onto a truck, which has to take it to LAX where, hopefully it will be loaded onto a plane and air freighted to Hawaii. Then somehow the process has to reversed and it has to get off the plane, onto another truck and taken across Honolulu to a very posh neighborhood, where I am sure a forklift is not readily available. We have our regular movers, all lined up, to get it out of the crate, and hopefully into it's happy home. We all may be saying a few prayers. But we have another piano all lined up to take it's place in the crate and come back to our shop.

Four of us were wearing these OSHA approved safety sandals during this whole process.

Well, we were all just getting ready for the beach! And I was just trying to document all of this.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

evening activities

Gris-gris has finished his early evening neighborhood checkout and decided it is safe for all, but now he'd like to just hangout. He's good company. I am sitting at my desk surrounded by projects. There's a quilt in progress, balls of yarn being interviewed for moebius scarves and tams, notes I mean to write, oh, and my website that hasn't been touched in months. My friend Liza asked if I was knitting much right now. And the honest answer was no. She was worried that my creative juices were not being exercised. Oh my, I thought. I had better get busy. And we decided at lunch today that tams might have to be the uniform for the winter in the shop. Let's see how much can I get done tonight?