Thursday, June 30, 2011

getting into your work

I have to report that the Giants lost in the bottom of the 13th inning. But the day generally goes better when there is baseball. Rhys keeps me posted on the game.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

power tools

Long time, no blogging. I've been busy working, going on yoga retreats, and reading trashy murder mysteries. Life is all about balancing things, and everything in moderation,  including butter (and blogs). Thoughts seemed to pop up while I was treading water in a swimming pool far away from my computer keyboard. I was actually lounging next to a pool, in a bathing suit, with NO SUNSCSREEN. Well no sunscreen for a short time. I'm not sure if it was worse to be seen in public in a bathing suit or to go without sunscreen. I did manage to not sunburn myself though, and the vitamin D (and 8 hours of yoga and six meals) seemed to help raise the happiness level.
But back to power tools. I got to use a pneumatic orbital sander last week.

The decorative brass lyre, within the lyre, was an ugly green piece when removed from the piano. It was handed over to me after it had been bead blasted, but was rough and still fairly ugly. With great assistance and thoughts from three workmates and about three hours of work  I managed to turn it into something looking like it should be seen on a Steinway. I do love power tools, but really it was only the first step, and much work with sandpaper, and sanding sponges by hand did the trick.
The above is my Ryobi DP 100. It became a drill push this afternoon, instead of drill press. Hopefully with a 92 cent part and $15 in shipping I can get it back in action. I've just managed to sort out all my lefty loosey and righty tighty settings on it. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

back from holiday

The mud was good, and who needs 4 wheel drive when you can have the excitement of sliding around without it. 

The coffee was good.

The "Woolen Breeches" were blooming
This alligator lizard made his way through camp, newly shed.

But the fish were nowhere to be found.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


The Yellow Creek Junior Rangers are gathering this week. Time to leave the island for awhile. Cookies are baked, paella pan packed along with much other gear. Ever hopeful the weather will cooperate, and the fish will be hungry. The Rangers are always hungry. Campsite 4 has been secured, along with #3, the first members braved the rain predictions and arrived to sun. Tomorrow is hot dog night.